More advanced uses

Using a different API version

Amazon releases a new API version every once in a while in order to add or change features and operations. Usually, you won’t have to worry about this because with each release of this wrapper the latest API version will be used by default.

If you do want to change the API version used, however, you can simply specify which one you like:

api = API(...)
api.VERSION = '2010-10-01'


As of Feb 21st, 2012 all API versions prior to 2011-08-01 will no longer be supported!

Use your own XML parsing library

New in version 0.2.3.

You don’t need to use lxml.objectify. A custom response processor can be defined using any mechanism you like. For instance, here is one using xml.minidom:

import xml.dom.minidom
def minidom_response_parser(fp):
    root = xml.dom.minidom.parse(fp)
    # parse errors
    for error in root.getElementsByTagName('Error'):
        code = error.getElementsByTagName('Code')[0].firstChild.nodeValue
        msg = error.getElementsByTagName('Message')[0].firstChild.nodeValue
            raise AWSError(code, msg)
        return root

# Now let's use this instead of the default one
api = API(AWS_KEY, SECRET_KEY, 'uk', processor=minidom_response_parser)
root = api.item_lookup('0718155157')
print root.toprettyxml()
# ...


Make sure your response parser raises an AWSError with the appropriate error code and message.

Caching responses

New in version 0.2.5.

Sometimes when developing or when it is foreseeable that the very same request will be sent over and over again, it might be better to cache API responses from Amazon for a short time in order to avoid going over you request limit.

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