Result pagination

New in version 0.2.5.

Changed in version 0.2.6.

One of the main advantages of this wrapper is that it provides automatic pagination of results. Rather than having to make 10 calls to get all available pages, you can simply iterate over the paginator instance that some operations return.


>>> api = API(locale='de')
>>> results = api.item_search('Books',
...     Publisher='Galileo Press', Sort='salesrank')
>>> results
<amazonproduct.processors._lxml.SearchPaginator object at 0x253af10>

The result is a SearchPaginator instance, which can be queried

>>> results.results
>>> results.pages

and iterated over

>>> for item in results:
...     print repr(item)
<Element {}Item at 0x25441e0>
<Element {}Item at 0x25442d0>
<Element {}Item at 0x2544550>
<Element {}Item at 0x2544500>

New pages are loaded from Amazon (up to a maximum of 10 pages) as they are required.

class amazonproduct.processors.BaseResultPaginator(fun, *args, **kwargs)

Wrapper class for paginated results. This class will call the passed function iteratively until either the specified limit is reached or all result pages, which can be retrieved, are fetched.


Amazon does put a rather restrictive limit on pagination. Don’t expect to be able to retrieve all result pages!

A result paginator has the following attributes:

pages (same as len(<paginator>))
Number of total pages. This may differ from the number of pages actually iterated over because of limits either imposed by Amazon or yourself (using limit).
Number of total results. This may differ from the number of results actually retrievable because Amazon generally limits pagination to ten pages.
Number of result page retrieved last.

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